Embracing Joy and Gladness of Heart: Finding Happiness in Fulfilling the Rebbe's Mission

Embracing Joy and Gladness of Heart
It's not always easy to find joy and gladness of heart, or in Hebrew terms, "simcha" and "tuv leivov". Despite the challenges, the teachings of the Rebbe encourage us to persist in our mission with a joyful spirit and a glad heart. We are blessed, or "baruch Hashem", to have the opportunity to fulfill the Rebbe's desires.
The Challenge of Finding Joy
Indeed, the search for joy and gladness of heart can be a difficult journey. The road may be filled with obstacles and hardships that can dampen even the most resilient spirit. Yet, it is in these moments that the Rebbe's directive becomes even more important. We are reminded to continue our mission with joy, regardless of the circumstances we face.
Continuing the Mission with Gladness of Heart
The Rebbe's teachings not only encourage us to continue our mission with joy, but also with a glad heart. This means that we should not merely perform our duties with a sense of obligation, but with a genuine feeling of happiness and satisfaction. We are "zoche", or privileged, to be able to do what the Rebbe wants.
Embracing the Blessing
Finally, we are reminded that we are "baruch Hashem", or blessed, to have the opportunity to fulfill the Rebbe's desires. This is not a burden, but a blessing. It is a privilege that we should embrace with joy and gladness of heart.
What are your thoughts?
How do you interpret the Rebbe's directive? Do you find it challenging to continue your mission with joy and gladness of heart? Share your thoughts and experiences with your friends. And remember, you can sign up for the Daily Briefing which is everyday at 6pm.