Understanding the Abusive Relationship Between the WHO and Member Nations: Revealing Deception and Power Struggles

Understanding the Abusive Relationship between the WHO and Member Nations
Identifying Abusive Relationships
As a physician, I've had numerous discussions with individuals ensnared in dysfunctional relationships. While it's usually best to avoid dictating the "correct" course of action, an exception is when the relationship is overtly abusive. The solution to such a relationship, although often challenging, is clear: departure.
Interestingly, the relationship between the World Health Organization (WHO) and its member nations, including the United States, is a classic case of an abusive relationship.
Characteristics of an Abusive Relationship
According to the US Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health, an abusive relationship is characterized by a partner who controls your actions, invades your privacy, decides your lifestyle, isolates you from your social circle, humiliates you intentionally, and threatens to falsely report you to authorities.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline explains that the common feature in most abusive relationships is the abusive partner's attempt to gain power and control through various methods at different times. Does this sound familiar?
WHO's Abusive Actions
If not, consider the world's experience since March 2020, marked by severe civil rights violations, psychological manipulation techniques, and widespread breaches of medical ethics. Then, examine the WHO's proposals, which seek unrestricted power to repeat the entire process at their discretion.
Dr. David Bell and Dr. Thi Thuy Van Dinh critique these deceptive documents, arguing that the changes made to the WHO's pandemic proposals are merely superficial. They expose the deceptive language, potential for corruption, and fundamental epidemiological fallacies in the WHO's proposals.
Unmasking the WHO
It's essential to understand that the WHO isn't what it claims to be. The single largest contributor to its funding is Bill Gates, with the Gates Foundation and Gates-controlled GAVI providing over 20% of the WHO's funding.
Despite making minor revisions, the WHO is rushing its proposals to meet the original May 2024 deadline, breaking its rule that requires a four-month minimum period before member countries vote on new proposals.
Rejecting the WHO's Power Grab
In the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis, pandemic preparedness has become a favored tactic of global elites and the military-medical-industrial complex, with the WHO playing a central role. The WHO's pandemic power grab proposals, dubbed as the "flu d'état" by Ivor Cummins, aim to illegitimately seize governmental power using the threat of disease. This attempted power grab must be resisted.
Addressing Future Pandemics
So, how do we deal with potential pandemics after leaving the WHO? We need to acknowledge that the risk of future pandemics mainly arises from human manipulation of pathogens. We must shut down all bioweapons laboratories and hold accountable those responsible for such experiments. Lastly, we need to reconstruct public health as a network of local entities rather than a top-down enterprise.
Leaving the WHO
Many individuals, including politicians, are now recognizing the WHO's abusive behavior. In the United States, several state and local governments have rejected WHO policies. A group of 49 Senators has urged President Biden to withdraw support for the WHO treaty and amendments.
However, the ultimate step goes beyond these measures. It's not enough to renegotiate or scuttle the treaty. We must not waste time trying to reform this corrupt organization. We need to leave the WHO.
The beauty of leaving the WHO is its simplicity. The WHO, like its parent organization, the UN, is a paper tiger with no authority beyond what we grant it. The cure for our abusive relationship with the WHO is the standard remedy for all abusive relationships. The solution is not negotiation, reconsideration, or giving the abuser another chance. The solution is to leave.
We must leave the WHO.
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