Teachers Union Chair Delcares No Start to School Year - Education Minister at Odds

Teachers Union Chair Delcares No Start to School Year - Education Minister at Odds

Teachers Union Chair Declares No Start to School Year

Ran Erez's Statement

Ran Erez, the chair of the Teachers Union, has made a bold declaration. He stated that the school year would not commence on September 1. His reason for this drastic decision is a lack of trust in politicians.

Education Minister's Response

In response to Erez's statement, Education Minister Yoav Kisch expressed his frustration. He suggested that Erez's primary motivation was to initiate a strike, a situation for which Kisch admitted he had no solution.

Bottom Line

This situation presents a significant challenge for the education sector, with the Teachers Union Chair and the Education Minister at odds over the start of the school year. It raises questions about trust in political leaders and the potential impacts on students' education. What are your thoughts on this matter? Feel free to share this article with your friends and discuss. Remember, you can sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.

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