A Look Back at Governor Tim Walz's Leadership
Initial Impressions
In April 2020, I found myself admiring our governor, Tim Walz, for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He had closed public schools in our state on March 15th and conveyed the gravity of the situation with solemn grace. He was one of the few Democrat governors who worked with the Trump administration to plan for the pandemic. He was securing resources for ventilators, which we were told would be desperately needed.
Early Optimism
At this time, I was still optimistic about our situation. I was tutoring children in my neighborhood, maintaining a safe distance because their schools had been temporarily closed. I corresponded with a friend in New York City, the epicenter of the virus, and felt grateful for our situation in Minnesota. I even praised Governor Walz's approach to handling the pandemic on social media.
George Floyd's Death and the Ensuing Chaos
However, everything changed on May 25, when George Floyd was killed. The ensuing chaos and violence engulfed our city. Stores were boarded up and closed, and our neighborhood was literally on fire. We expected Governor Walz to step in, to reassure the public and establish order. Instead, he released a short statement and then retreated to his mansion, leaving us under strict curfews.
Disappointment in Leadership
The governor's inaction during this time was disappointing. When Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey called Walz for help, the governor not only refused but also criticized Frey publicly. Meanwhile, we were still under COVID-19 restrictions and now had additional curfews to contend with. The rules seemed arbitrary and inconsistent.
Questionable Decisions
Governor Walz's decisions during this time were questionable. He limited funerals to 10 people, who were not allowed to hug, touch, or sing. Yet, he attended a massive indoor funeral for George Floyd. He set up a COVID-19 "snitch line" for residents to report violations, yet he himself seemed to disregard the rules.
Power Play
As winter set in, Governor Walz seemed to revel in his newfound power. He frequently appeared on television, talking about the need to "dial back" our rights and scolding us for the number of hospital beds in use. He purchased a $6.9 million morgue that was never used and seemed to ignore the plight of teachers who refused to return to the classroom.
Allegations of Fraud
As the year progressed, rumors began to circulate about a massive case of fraud involving federal dollars earmarked for child nutrition. These funds were allegedly being distributed to sham NGOs run by Democrat donors and friends. However, the mainstream media was slow to report on the scheme.
Investigation and Audit
Eventually, an investigation was launched, and an audit by the Office of the Legislative Auditor found that the Walz administration had "created opportunities for fraud." Despite this, Governor Walz shrugged off the allegations and refused to take responsibility.
Unearthed Secrets
Since he became the presumptive VP candidate, stories have emerged about Governor Walz's past, including a drunken driving charge and lies about his military service. These revelations, along with his handling of the pandemic and the allegations of fraud, have led me to view him in a different light.
Bottom Line
Governor Tim Walz has done some good things during his tenure, but his leadership during the pandemic and the allegations of fraud have cast a shadow over his accomplishments. He seems to be a lefty version of Trump, with the backing of Hollywood and the media. What do you think about Governor Walz's leadership? Share your thoughts and this article with your friends. Don't forget to sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.