UFC Fighter Bryce Mitchell's Plans for His Newborn Son
Bryce Mitchell Introduces His Newborn Son to the World
Bryce Mitchell, also known as Thug Nasty, a UFC featherweight fighter, recently introduced his newborn son, Tucker James, to his followers. He proudly shared that Tucker, who was born at 7.8 pounds, is now over 12 pounds and is in good health.
Mitchell's Stance on Vaccination
Mitchell used this opportunity to express his views on vaccination. He urged his followers not to vaccinate their children, stating that vaccines could potentially harm their health, even going as far as to suggest that they could cause autism. He firmly believes that vaccines are poisonous and could be detrimental to children's health.
Mitchell's Plans for Tucker's Education
The UFC fighter also shared his plans for Tucker's education. He stated that he intends to homeschool his son to prevent him from becoming a communist or gay, which he believes could happen if Tucker were to attend public school.
Mitchell's Refusal to Allow PKU Test
Mitchell also shared that he refused to allow hospital staff to conduct a phenylketonuria (PKU) test on Tucker. He stated that he would not allow anyone to stick his son with a needle. He further revealed that he was threatened with an investigation by the Department of Human Services (DHS) and that they could potentially take Tucker away from him. Despite these threats, Mitchell remained steadfast in his decision.
Mitchell's Instagram Caption
In the caption of his Instagram post, Mitchell expressed his readiness to fight for his son and his freedom. He stated that he would not be scared by threats of violence and would be prepared to die for his son if necessary.
Mitchell's Previous Controversies
This is not the first time Mitchell has been in the spotlight for his controversial views. The Trump-supporting MMA fighter has previously been criticized by mainstream media for his comments on the Biden family's business dealings in Ukraine and his opposition to Covid-19 restrictions and mask mandates.
What are your thoughts on Bryce Mitchell's views and plans for his son's upbringing? Do you agree or disagree with his stance on vaccination and education? Please share this article with your friends and let us know your thoughts. Also, don't forget to sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is available every day at 6pm.