Contrasting Trump and Biden's Approaches in the Middle East

Contrasting Trump and Biden's Approaches in the Middle East

Examining the Differences Between Trump and Biden's Middle East Policies

Contrasting Approaches to Middle East Peace

Kristi Noem, in an op-ed for American Greatness, has drawn attention to the contrasting approaches of former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden towards the Middle East. She suggests that Biden's administration, in pushing for a ceasefire between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas, is allowing for future attacks on Israel. This is a stark contrast to Trump's approach, which she describes as 'peace through strength'.

Trump vs Biden: Middle East Records

Noem compares Trump's successful efforts to keep Europe safe from Russia and Israel safe from Iran, with Biden's failures in these areas. During Biden's term, Russia has invaded Ukraine, Hamas has killed 1,200 Israelis and taken 251 hostages, and Iran has attacked Israel directly. Biden's approach is described as 'war through weakness', in contrast to Trump's 'peace through strength'.

Trump's Achievements in the Middle East

Trump's achievements in the Middle East are highlighted, including the historic Abraham Accords, which saw peace agreements between Israel and four Arab nations. This diplomacy was backed by military strength, with U.S. forces under Trump defeating the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and killing ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Iran's lead terrorist, Qassem Soleimani.

Biden's Failures in the Middle East

Under Biden, Iran is closer than ever to obtaining a nuclear weapon, and has directly attacked Israel for the first time. The rushed withdrawal from Afghanistan, which resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. soldiers, is also cited as a failure of Biden's administration. His approach to Israel is described as a disaster for the Democrats and an embarrassment for the United States.

The Potential of a Trump Doctrine for the Middle East

Noem suggests that a Trump Doctrine for the Middle East would restore U.S. foreign policy to a blend of America First, peace through strength, and the art of the deal. This would involve restoring deterrence with Iran, preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and ensuring that Iran does not threaten the U.S. or its partners.

The Importance of U.S. Leadership

The ripple effect of U.S. leadership in global affairs is emphasized, with Noem suggesting that the Middle East is on a knife's edge due to Biden's weakness. She quotes Ronald Reagan's assertion that "war comes not when the forces of freedom are strong, but when they are weak."

Final Thoughts

It's clear that Noem believes Trump's approach to the Middle East was more effective than Biden's. She suggests that Trump's blend of diplomacy and strength led to peace, while Biden's approach has led to instability and conflict. What do you think about this perspective? Do you agree with Noem's assessment of Trump and Biden's Middle East policies? Share your thoughts with your friends and consider signing up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.

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