Ex-Vatican Ambassador Labels Kamala Harris as "A Diabolical Entity Who Serves Satan"
Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Vatican Roman Catholic Archbishop, has publicly endorsed Donald Trump for president. He has expressed his belief that Kamala Harris embodies an "anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, and anti-human vision of society."
Viganò served as the Vatican’s ambassador to the US from 2011 to 2016. In a letter addressed to Catholics, he stated that the choice lies between a conservative President, who is risking his own life in his battle against the deep state, and a diabolical entity who serves Satan.
Archbishop Viganò's Open Letter to American Catholics
Viganò asserted that for a Catholic, the choice should be clear. He believes that voting for Kamala Harris is morally unacceptable and constitutes a severe sin. He also stated that abstaining from voting is not a morally viable option, as he believes that neutrality in this war equates to siding with the enemy.
According to Viganò, a vote for Trump signifies a clear rejection of an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, and anti-human vision of society. He added that it means preventing those who wish to establish a horrifying dystopia that surpasses even George Orwell's predictions.
The former archbishop insisted that Trump is the only viable choice to counteract the imminent globalist coup that the woke Left is about to definitively and irreparably implement, causing immeasurable damage for future generations.
Viganò's Criticisms of Harris and the Catholic Church
Viganò further described Harris as a puppet of George Soros, asserting that she is directly controlled by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Viganò was excommunicated from the Catholic Church in July after repeatedly expressing opposition to the current Pope and the modern changes made to the Roman Catholic Church.
He was notably vocal in his opposition to COVID vaccines, accusing public health authorities of conducting "experimentation on the entire world population," and criticizing the Catholic church for its compliance.
Bottom Line
The views expressed by Viganò are certainly controversial and have sparked intense debate. Regardless of individual political or religious beliefs, it's clear that his statements have added another layer to the already complex and heated political landscape. What are your thoughts on Viganò's comments? Do you agree or disagree with his perspective? We encourage you to share this article with your friends and continue the discussion. Remember, you can sign up for the Daily Briefing which is available every day at 6pm.