Illegal Alien MS-13 Member Murders Teen, Enrolls in Maryland High School: The Shocking Story

Illegal Alien MS-13 Member Murders Teen, Enrolls in Maryland High School: The Shocking Story

Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Member Kills Girl, Then Joins Maryland High School

Chris Papst, an investigative journalist from Fox45 News' Project Baltimore, has uncovered a shocking story about a Maryland high school that unknowingly admitted an illegal alien MS-13 gang member. This individual, who was at the center of a murder investigation, was allowed to enroll in the school because local, state, and federal authorities did not inform the school administration about the student's criminal background. This tragic incident is a stark reminder of the dangers of open southern border policies.

The Journey of Walter Martinez

The story revolves around Walter Martinez, an illegal alien and MS-13 gang member. At the age of 16, he murdered Kayla Hamilton in 2022. Prior to the murder, Martinez had crossed the open southern border and was apprehended by the US Border Patrol. He was then sent to a sponsor in Maryland.

The Timeline of Events

Papst provided a detailed timeline of Martinez's illegal entry into the US, the murder of an American citizen, and his time at a Maryland public school. In March 2022, Martinez entered the US illegally through Texas as an unaccompanied minor. He was apprehended by Border Patrol and sent to live with a sponsor in Maryland. By July 2022, Martinez had moved to a mobile home in Aberdeen, where he later killed Kayla. In the fall of 2022, while police were waiting for DNA results, Martinez was placed in foster care with Child and Protective Services and enrolled at Edgewood High School. The DNA results came back in January 2023, leading to Martinez's arrest. In August 2024, he pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to 70 years in jail.

Victim's Mother Speaks Out

Tammy Nobles, the victim's mother, described the pain of losing her daughter. She also expressed her anger at the fact that Martinez was allowed to attend high school with other children, putting them at risk. She described the murder of her daughter in graphic detail, highlighting the brutality of the crime.

Failure of Authorities

Despite Martinez being the prime suspect in Kayla Hamilton's murder, no local, state, or federal agencies informed the school or the parents about his criminal status. This lack of communication allowed Martinez to enroll in a Maryland public school, potentially endangering other students.

Bottom Line

This tragic story raises serious questions about the effectiveness of communication between various law enforcement agencies and educational institutions. It also highlights the potential dangers of open border policies. What are your thoughts on this issue? Share this article with your friends and let's start a conversation. Don't forget to sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.

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