Mistaken Voter Registration in Oregon: DMV Registers Over 300 Non-Citizens to Vote

Mistaken Voter Registration in Oregon: DMV Registers Over 300 Non-Citizens to Vote

Oregon DMV Accidentally Registers Over 300 Non-Citizens to Vote

Confirmation of Mistaken Voter Registration

The Oregon Driver and Motor Vehicle Services (DMV) and the Oregon Secretary of State’s Office have both confirmed that the DMV mistakenly registered over 300 non-U.S. citizens to vote since 2021. The Oregon Department of Transportation announced on September 14 that a data entry error occurred when non-citizens applied for driver’s licenses.

Details of the Error

An initial analysis by the Oregon Department of Transportation, which oversees the state’s DMV, revealed that 306 noncitizens were registered to vote. Of these, two have voted in elections since 2021. The error occurred when a DMV worker incorrectly coded that the person applying for a driver’s license or state ID had a U.S. birth certificate or passport when they did not.

Response from the Oregon Secretary of State’s Office

The Oregon Secretary of State’s Office responded to the report by stating that Secretary LaVonne Griffin-Valade has ordered an update to 0.01 percent of voter registrations. Those affected by this issue were noncitizens at the time they were erroneously registered. They will be notified by mail that they will not receive a ballot unless they prove that they are eligible to vote.

Actions to Rectify the Error

Griffin-Valade stated that her office has moved quickly to update the voter rolls and that the DMV must take immediate action to ensure noncitizens cannot vote. She expressed confidence that the DMV is rectifying the error and improving their process to prevent a recurrence.

Reason for the Mistake

The mistake occurred partly because Oregon has allowed noncitizens to obtain driver’s licenses for several years, and the DMV automatically registers most people to vote when they obtain a license or other ID. A 2019 bill passed in the state Legislature allowed people in Oregon to get driver’s licenses without showing proof of citizenship. This law went into effect in 2021.

Further Investigations

Several state and federal lawmakers in Oregon have called for further investigations after the issue was revealed. State Representative Janelle Bynum suggested that the U.S. Department of Justice should get involved and probe the issue. U.S. House Representative Andrea Salinas also called for an investigation, labeling the DMV's actions as "total malpractice."

Other States' Voter Roll Purges

In recent weeks, other states have announced purges to voter rolls. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose revealed that a recent review found that 597 people were registered to vote despite not being U.S. citizens. Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced earlier this year that reviews showed that more than 6,500 possible noncitizens were removed from state voter rolls.

Bottom Line

This incident highlights the importance of accuracy in voter registration processes and the potential implications of administrative errors. It also raises questions about the effectiveness of current systems in place to prevent ineligible individuals from voting. What are your thoughts on this matter? Do you think more stringent measures should be put in place to prevent such occurrences? Feel free to share this article with your friends and discuss. Don't forget to sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is available every day at 6pm.

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