Perception of Neighbors Among Indian Hindus and Muslims: Survey Insights and Contrasting Views

Perception of Neighbors Among Indian Hindus and Muslims: Survey Insights and Contrasting Views

Perception of Neighbors Among Indian Hindus and Muslims

According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center, Indians, both Hindus and Muslims, tend to have a negative perception of their neighboring countries. The survey revealed that this perception is more negative than how they are perceived by these neighbors.

Survey Findings

The survey, conducted in early 2024, revealed that less than half of the Indians had a positive view of their neighboring countries, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

Perception of Pakistan

The survey found that only 11 percent of Hindu Indians had a positive view of Pakistan. However, this percentage doubled among Muslim Indians, with 22 percent viewing Pakistan positively.

Perception of Bangladesh

Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority nation, was slightly more popular among both groups. 34 percent of Hindu Indians and 39 percent of Muslim Indians expressed favorability towards Bangladesh.

Perception of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka scored the highest among Hindu Indians, with 44 percent expressing a positive view. However, only 29 percent of Muslim Indians shared this sentiment.

Contrasting Views

These findings contrast sharply with the perceptions of India among Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans. The survey found that between 54 percent and 82 percent of these populations had a positive view of India. The differences between Muslims and Hindus were more pronounced in these countries. 54-64 percent of Muslims and over 80 percent of Hindus expressed a positive view of India. Interestingly, more than half of Sri Lankan Muslims had a favorable view of Pakistan. This sentiment was shared by fewer Bangladeshi Muslims, at 39 percent, which is lower than Pakistan's perception scores among Hindus from the two aforementioned nations.

Bottom Line

The survey results reveal an interesting dynamic in the perception of neighboring countries among Indian Hindus and Muslims. It is clear that these perceptions are influenced by a variety of factors, including religious affiliations. It raises questions about the role of religion in shaping perceptions and relationships between neighboring countries. What are your thoughts on these findings? Do you think religion plays a significant role in shaping perceptions of neighboring countries? Share your thoughts and this article with your friends. Remember, you can sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is available every day at 6pm.

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Some articles will contain credit or partial credit to other authors even if we do not repost the article and are only inspired by the original content.