Police Union Head Proposes Netflix Subscriptions as Incentive for Knife Surrender: Addressing Rising Knife Crime in Germany

Police Union Head Proposes Netflix Subscriptions as Incentive for Knife Surrender
Knife Crime on the Rise in Germany
The head of a prominent German police union has suggested a unique approach to combat the rising knife crime in the country. He proposes that individuals who willingly surrender their banned and dangerous knives should be rewarded with a one-year Netflix subscription. The rationale behind this idea is that the cost of a popular pocket knife, which is around €17, is significantly less than the cost of an annual Netflix subscription, which is €170. This trade-off could potentially encourage people to give up their knives, according to Jochen Kopelke, the head of the Gewerkschaft der Polizei (GdP).
Statistics Show a Significant Increase in Knife Attacks
Germany has seen a worrying increase in knife-related attacks in recent years. Police statistics reveal that nearly 13,844 knife attacks were committed last year, a substantial rise from the 10,131 cases reported the previous year. The Charité hospital in Berlin has already treated between 50 to 55 patients for stab wounds this year, a number they usually attend to in an entire year. Ulrich Stöckle, the managing director of the hospital’s Centre for Musculoskeletal Surgery, described this trend as a "threatening development for society".
Perpetrators Mostly Young, Male, and of Non-German Origin
According to Barbara Slowik, the police commissioner of Berlin, most of the individuals behind the violent acts in Berlin are young males with a non-German background. This demographic is also predominantly responsible for the knife violence. Knife crime has been particularly prevalent among migrant communities in Germany, with individuals of Syrian and Afghan origin frequently making the news for their involvement in such crimes.
Public Outrage Over Government's Inaction
Despite the growing public support for resuming deportations to Syria and Afghanistan, the German government has been hesitant to deport dangerous criminals due to the unsafe conditions in these countries. This has led to a wave of public anger, with many accusing the government of inaction. Readers of the German daily Bild, the country's highest-circulation newspaper, have expressed their frustration, demanding the deportation of dangerous individuals and criticizing the government's lack of action.
Stricter Controls on Knife Possession Proposed
In response to the escalating knife crime, politicians from both the Left and Right have called for stricter controls on knife possession in public. Jochen Kopelke has welcomed these proposals, emphasizing the need for increased police controls, additional personnel, and improved equipment for the police. Germany already has strict regulations on carrying knives in public, with blades over 12 cm being banned except in certain circumstances.
Bottom Line
With knife crime on the rise in Germany, innovative solutions are being proposed to combat this issue. The idea of offering Netflix subscriptions as an incentive to surrender dangerous knives is certainly unique, but will it be effective? Or are stricter regulations and increased police control the answer? What are your thoughts on this matter? Share this article with your friends and sign up for the Daily Briefing, delivered every day at 6pm.