Public Health: A Radical Departure from its Roots
Public health, in its historical context, was a revolutionary profession. It challenged the status quo and initiated large-scale public projects such as sanitation and sewer systems, which significantly improved people's lives. However, the current state of public health is a far cry from its roots. Today, it seems to be a bizarre, over-the-top, corporate performance of health-related activities by individuals who lack a basic understanding of science and medicine.
A Distorted Representation of Public Health
After years of personal observation and engagement, it appears that today's public health is best described as a theatrical performance by marginalized individuals who allow themselves to be manipulated by the pharmaceutical industry for a sense of power.
Case Study: Rick Bright
A case in point that has recently caught my attention is an editorial written by Rick Bright titled "A Trump Victory Would be a Public Health Disaster." Here are some facts about Rick Bright:
The CDC's research showed that "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread." Consequently, the US had a national stockpile of chloroquine in case of a SARS coronavirus outbreak. In 2020, when such an outbreak occurred, the President of the United States ordered Rick Bright, then the Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), to release the national stockpile of chloroquine.
However, Bright refused to release the chloroquine from the national stockpile, claiming it was unsafe, despite it being listed on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines and having been used safely billions of times worldwide.
The Consequences of Bright's Actions
Bright's refusal to release the chloroquine led to his removal from his position. In the wake of his removal, Bright declared himself a "whistleblower" and was embraced by the media.
By any objective measure, Bright's refusal to release the chloroquine led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. Despite this, no evidence has emerged in the last five years to absolve him of his actions.
Public Health and the Drag Performance
Bright's actions demonstrate a lack of understanding of public health. He seems to favor a certain left-leaning, postmodern ideology and dismisses scientific evidence that contradicts his beliefs. This has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Americans who could have been saved by simple, evidence-based practice.
The New York Times' decision to publish an editorial by Bright in 2024 shows that its editorial board also lacks an understanding of public health and has learned nothing from the past five years.
Drag and Public Health: A Comparison
The actions of individuals like Bright and many in the field of public health can be likened to a drag performance—an exaggerated representation of what they believe public health should be, without any real understanding of science and health.
This drag performance of public health has become genocidal, with pharmaceutical companies encouraging and cheering on these individuals as they enslave and kill the rest of the population.
The Loss of Logic and Reason
This problem extends beyond public health. Nearly all of civil society and the state have lost access to logic and reason, which is why this exaggerated performance of public health is allowed to continue.
Bottom Line
We are living in a society where logic and reason seem to have been abandoned, and public health has been reduced to a theatrical performance. This is a deeply troubling development that needs to be addressed.
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