Senator Ted Cruz Outraged by Judge's Decision on Prison Cell Placement - A Debate on Prisoner Rights and Safety

Senator Ted Cruz Outraged by Judge's Decision on Prison Cell Placement - A Debate on Prisoner Rights and Safety

Senator Expresses Anger Over Liberal Judge's Decision

Senator Ted Cruz Confronts Federal Judge

On his Thursday show, Alex Jones showcased a video footage of Senator Ted Cruz expressing his outrage to a federal judge in the Senate chamber. The cause of his anger was the judge's decision to place women in the same cells as a convicted pedophile rapist.

Cruz Questions Judge's Decision

Cruz expressed his disbelief and anger at the judge's decision. He said, “You took a six-foot-two serial rapist, serial child rapist, with male genitalia, and he said ‘you know, I’d like to be in a women’s prison’ and your answer was ‘that sounds great to me’. Let me ask you something, the other women in that prison, do they have any rights?”

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This incident has sparked a heated debate about the rights of prisoners and the decisions made by those in power. It raises questions about the safety and rights of women in prisons, especially when they are placed in the same cells as convicted rapists. What do you think about this situation? Is the anger expressed by Senator Cruz justified? Share your thoughts and this article with your friends. Don't forget to sign up for the Daily Briefing, delivered to your inbox every day at 6pm.

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