Survival Guide for Leftists in Case of Trump Win: Kamala Harris Supporter's Advice

Survival Guide for Leftists in Case of Trump Win: Kamala Harris Supporter's AdviceSurvival Guide for Leftists if Trump Wins, According to Kamala Harris Supporter A supporter of Kamala Harris has proposed a survival guide for leftists in the event that Donald Trump wins the presidency. The supporter suggested that Democrats could be rounded up and placed in camps by a fascist government if they do not remain silent about politics. The supporter suggested that if Trump wins, supporters of Trump, referred to as "MAGAheads," could engage in violent attacks against Americans who voted for Harris. This is despite the fact that such attacks did not occur in 2016, and it was actually leftists who responded by participating in violent riots.

Advice to Democrats

The supporter advised Democrats to conceal any connections they have to anyone who is transgender, an immigrant, or generally "left-leaning." He further suggested that any attempts by unknown individuals to discuss politics should be immediately shut down, as he believes this could be a tactic to gather information and identify people to report.

Concerns for Immigrants

The supporter also expressed concern that numerous individuals, including immigrants, may need to "flee for their own safety." He suggested that Democrats can assist by not identifying these individuals to Trump supporters. He emphasized the importance of not boasting about the people they have helped or discussing these individuals with others.

Advice on Discussing Politics

The supporter suggested that any topic that is even remotely related to politics should be responded to with the phrase, "I don't talk about politics." He claimed that following this advice could be crucial for survival under a fascist government, which he believes is what Trump intends to establish if he is re-elected. However, it should be noted that Trump has never stated such intentions on camera or elsewhere.

Final Suggestions

The supporter's final suggestions for Harris supporters include purchasing guns and participating in firearms safety training to protect themselves. He also recommended deleting all social media profiles permanently. He concluded his advice by stating that adhering to these guidelines could mean the difference between "walking free and being in a camp."

Reactions to Trump's Potential Win

There is no evidence to suggest that a Trump administration would initiate a fascist takeover of the government if he is elected. However, pollster Mark Halperin has warned that America could experience its worst mental health crisis ever if Trump wins the presidency. He suggested that the backlash to Trump's 2016 victory will be overshadowed by the intense reactions that will occur after November 5th.

Bottom Line

The survival guide proposed by the Kamala Harris supporter is based on personal beliefs and fears, rather than factual evidence. It is important to remember that political discourse should be based on respect and understanding, rather than fear and division. What are your thoughts on this survival guide? Do you think it is a reasonable response to a potential Trump victory? Share your thoughts and this article with your friends. You can also sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is available every day at 6pm.

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Some articles will contain credit or partial credit to other authors even if we do not repost the article and are only inspired by the original content.