The FBI and CIA: Threats to American Freedom Revealed - Joe Rogan Show Analysis

The FBI and CIA: Adversaries to the American Public?
Discussion on the Joe Rogan Show
Recently, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson had a comprehensive conversation on the Joe Rogan Show, discussing a variety of topics ranging from UFOs to artificial intelligence. However, the most significant point of discussion was the potentially harmful role played by the US intelligence agencies in America. Carlson suggested that the CIA might be lobbying to keep the JFK files secret due to their possible involvement in the assassination. Furthermore, he discussed the FBI's significant role in the downfall of Richard Nixon. He highlighted the immense power intelligence agencies hold over Congress, as the fear of being blackmailed keeps many Congress members in check. This is particularly concerning considering the almost unlimited spying power the US regime has in the post-Patriot Act era.
Media Figures Speak Out
What is noteworthy is that two major media figures, Rogan and Carlson, are openly expressing to their large audience that organizations like the CIA and the FBI are undermining the legal and constitutional institutions of the United States. This criticism of the intelligence agencies, often viewed as reputable organizations dedicated to national security, is long overdue. Both conservatives and leftists have been guilty of failing to critically examine these agencies. While the left has historically made some efforts to expose the intelligence agencies, this has faded over time. Today, the responsibility of opposing these agencies falls on the minority of Americans who value law and human rights enough to seek constraints on regime power.
Historical Concerns
Concerns about the threat posed by post-war intelligence agencies to the American people have been present since at least the early 1960s. Former president Harry Truman expressed alarm about the CIA's interference in domestic affairs one month after Kennedy's assassination. Truman criticized the CIA for diverting from its original assignment and becoming an operational and policy-making arm of the Government. The CIA's involvement in "strange activities" such as MKULTRA and related "mind control" experiments with LSD and other drugs was particularly concerning.
Continued Failures and Criticism
Despite its controversial activities, the CIA has consistently failed at its original mission of collecting useful information. Its failures include not foreseeing the Iranian Revolution, being unaware of Soviet Missiles shipped to Cuba in 1962, overestimating the economic power of the Soviet Union in the 1980s, and allowing 9/11 to happen. Such failures have led even conservative figures to call for the "breaking up" of the CIA. The FBI, which now considers itself a "national security" agency rather than a law enforcement agency, has also been criticized for its abuses and incompetence.
The Future of These Agencies
Given their track record, it's questionable whether these agencies should continue to exist. Originally intended to combat hardened criminals and foreign dictators, these agencies now exploit taxpayers for larger budgets and more power to spy on Americans. They have become the regime's secret police, dedicated to increasing the regime's power. Possible solutions include slashing their budgets, repealing their enabling legislation, and encouraging aggressive legal action against the regime for the agencies' many crimes. However, due to state propaganda, many Americans still believe these agencies exist for their benefit, making abolition a long-term goal.
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