Understanding the Four Dimensions of Our World
Appreciating the Three Physical Dimensions
We exist in a world that is defined by four dimensions. Three of these dimensions are physical: left and right, up and down, and closer or farther away. These dimensions help us understand the position of objects around us, and when we can accurately perceive these three dimensions, we are said to have depth perception or depth discrimination.
The Fourth Dimension: Time
The fourth dimension, however, is different. It's time. Unlike the other dimensions, time only moves in one direction. This makes time a half-dimension, and it presents a unique problem. As Albert Einstein taught us, as we approach the speed of light, time slows down. But as we age and become less mobile, we can't move at or near the speed of light, so we can't slow time down or reverse it. This means that time lost is irretrievable.
Time Theft: A Non-Recoverable Loss
When time is stolen from you, it's a non-recoverable, non-redeemable theft. No one can give you back your lost time or offer to replace it. Yet, many organizations, particularly government agencies, constantly find new ways to steal your time without giving any consideration to the concept of time theft.
The IRS: A Model for Time Wasting
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is a prime example of an organization that wastes time and human energy. Despite the time and effort spent on behalf of the IRS, there is no compensation for the time lost. Even tasks like figuring out employees' tax withholdings and depositing those taxes fall on the employer. This not only steals the employer's time but also prevents employees from understanding the full extent of their tax obligations.
Time Theft by Surveys
Another common form of time theft comes in the form of surveys. These surveys often ask irrelevant questions and require time and effort to complete, with no compensation for the time spent. Even when the surveys are not mandatory, there is often an implied expectation of participation, further reinforcing the sense of entitlement to the individual's time.
The Cost of Time Theft
The cost of time theft is not just borne by the individual; it also affects businesses, particularly small businesses. Every minute spent on unnecessary tasks is a minute that could have been spent on productive work. This is especially true for small businesses, where the owner often has to handle these tasks personally.
The Entitlement of Government Agencies
The sense of entitlement that government agencies have towards individuals' time is striking. They demand participation in surveys and other tasks without considering the cost to the individual. This entitlement is backed by the power of the state, making it difficult for individuals to refuse.
The Impact of Pathological Obedience
This sense of entitlement and the expectation of obedience can lead to what can be described as pathological obedience. This is the uncritical acceptance of authority and the willingness to comply with demands without question. This pathological obedience can be seen in various aspects of society, from education to the media.
The Modern Whigs and Tories
Drawing parallels to the American Revolution, those who reject the impingements on personal freedoms can be likened to the Whigs, who supported independence. In contrast, those who support government control and regulations can be likened to the Tories, who were loyal to the Crown. The modern Whigs are those who value their time and freedom, while the modern Tories are those who accept the government's entitlement to their time.
The Impact of Covid-19 on Small Businesses
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented restrictions to small businesses, making the government's theft of time and resources more noticeable. The challenge now is to convey to government agencies and those who support these time thefts that time and freedoms can also evaporate irretrievably.
Bottom Line
Time is a precious resource that, once lost, cannot be recovered. Yet, many organizations, particularly government agencies, feel entitled to steal our time without offering any compensation. This theft of time impacts individuals and businesses alike, and it is particularly damaging to small businesses. The Covid-19 pandemic has only made this issue more noticeable. So, what do you think about this issue? How can we address the theft of time by government agencies? Share your thoughts with your friends and sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.