Unearthing a Hidden Past: Connecting the Dots Between History and Present-Day Events

Unearthing a Hidden Past
It was an ordinary day in 1969 when I stumbled upon a book that would forever change my perspective. I was studying in Vienna at the time, living with a Hausfrau, a common practice for students at that time. I shared a room with a high school friend in the 5th District on Hauslabgasse.
The Hausfrau and Her Past
Our Hausfrau, born at the turn of the century, was a member of the minor Austrian Nobility. The two World Wars had taken their toll on her. She had served in the German Kriegsmarine during the occupation of the Channel Islands and returned to a devastated Vienna. Despite the hardships she faced, she was a survivor, a trait I greatly admired. She also held a certain nostalgia for the "good old days."
A Hidden Discovery
In our room, there was an old, ornate bookcase. One day, while examining it, I discovered a hidden compartment. Inside, I found a beautifully bound copy of Mein Kampf. As I flipped through the pages, I was struck by how clearly Hitler had outlined his plans. It was all there, in black and white. How had the world not seen it?
Fast-Forward to the Present
To understand this, we need to look at the present day. Starting in 2001, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security began conducting a series of simulation exercises. These exercises, ranging from Dark Winter in 2001 to Event 201 in November 2019, create a timeline of information. It's as if someone is daring us to connect the dots. But who?
Connecting the Dots
The Center for Health Security is certainly one of the players. Tom Inglesby and Eric Toner are key figures there. Inglesby has even made connections between the events, cryptically stating, "The events have a long fuse!" But what does he mean? The World Economic Forum is also involved. They published The Great Reset shortly after Covid hit in July 2020. Gates is another player, with his involvement in GAVI, which was established in 2000.
It's unclear whether it was Anthony Fauci or Rick Bright who stated in the video versions of Event 201 that this pandemic presents a great opportunity for promoting vaccines. It's all there, just like in Mein Kampf.
Man-Made Virus?
Steven Kritz, MD, made an interesting point in an email conversation. He stated, "For the first time ever, it was a MAN-MADE virus that caused a world-wide outbreak!" If this is true, it begs the question, what was the purpose of creating such a virus? Was it part of the "sword and shield" approach, a concept that dates back to the bioweapons program of the Third Reich? This concept, along with the potential transfer of it to The Department of Defense Research and Engineering Enterprise, is outlined in Operation Paperclip.
Follow the Money
Could this all be a money-making scheme for Big Pharma? This seems plausible, especially considering the recent Project Veritas recordings of a Pfizer executive discussing the vaccine program. And what happened to Project Veritas after these revelations? Did James O'Keefe finally stir up too much trouble?
Bottom Line
What is the common thread that ties The Center for Health Security, The Department of Defense, The World Economic Forum, Big Pharma, Fauci, Gates, and others together? Is it simply a group of individuals and organizations with shared interests, or is there a puppet master behind the scenes? Is our failure to connect the dots due to our own blindness, or is it more like my Hausfrau in Vienna, who not only connected the dots but held them dear? I can't say for certain, but it's a question that needs to be asked.
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