Modern Slavery and the Globalist Scam
Yesterday, the Federal Reserve acted as predicted and cut interest rates, ending the rate hike cycle that began in March 2022. However, the focus today is on the current globalist threats to our freedoms. To understand these threats, one must be familiar with the terms GBI, MMT, and WTO.
Understanding GBI, MMT, and WTO
GBI stands for guaranteed basic income, a type of government welfare with no questions asked. It's a modern version of the ancient Roman dole that provided free grain to poor citizens to keep them contented. The idea behind GBI is that there's not enough value-added work to employ the population. However, if everyone were unemployed, there would be no consumption and no economy.
MMT stands for Modern Monetary Theory. The idea behind MMT is that there's no limit on government debt provided the debt is in the same currency you print. This condition applies to the U.S. but does not apply to countries such as Argentina that print pesos and borrow in dollars.
WTO refers to the World Trade Organization. The WTO mandates "most favored nation" treatment, which means that if you offer low tariffs to one trading partner, you must offer those same low tariffs to every trading partner that belongs to the WTO.
The Globalist Scheme
The globalist scheme aims to make the population dependent on the government through GBI. The leading advocate for GBI is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, who stands to benefit from a population addicted to government checks.
The money for GBI would come from MMT, which allows for unlimited borrowing power and therefore, unlimited spending power. This could finance GBI indefinitely, unless inflation arises. In such a case, the solution proposed by MMT is to fight inflation by raising taxes.
However, when the debt-to-GDP ratio goes over 90% (the U.S. is currently at 130%), the growth from additional spending is less than the amount spent. This means the debt-to-GDP ratio goes higher and growth slows down even more.
The WTO, on the other hand, ensures that all global powers play by the same supranational rules that encase the system of sovereigns. These rules require free trade, open borders, and free capital flows. In reality, however, this causes lost jobs, lost competitiveness, and lower wages, especially for Americans.
The Implications of the Globalist Plan
The globalist plan, through GBI, MMT, and WTO, aims to make everyone a welfare slave, a debt slave, and a wage slave, respectively. The super-capitalists will get even richer and the politicians will take their share.
This system will prevail unless there is a pushback from nationalists who advocate for high tariffs, expanded U.S. manufacturing, U.S. jobs with higher wages, and reducing the debt-to-GDP ratio with higher growth.
Investors are advised to hedge their bets with cash, gold, and reduced equity exposure until the all-clear signal sounds.
Bottom Line
The globalist plan, as outlined above, presents a significant threat to our freedoms. It aims to make everyone a welfare slave, a debt slave, and a wage slave. This is a thought-provoking perspective on the current state of global economics and politics. What are your thoughts on this matter? Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint? Share this article with your friends and engage in a discussion. You can also sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.