Understanding the Role of Political Theology in State Power
Religious institutions worldwide rely on established rules, studies, and practices for their legitimacy. They train theologians to study the nature of God and their belief systems. For example, Sunni Muslims' Hanafi school theologians focus on legal studies in line with Islam, while others like the Murji’ah sect concentrate on the moral teachings of work and faith. Similarly, Catholic theologians specialize in various areas such as social teachings on leading a moral life or supernatural studies of God.
These studies lend legitimacy to the faith and the clergy, and the state, in its omnipotence, follows a similar path. The late German jurist Carl Schmitt argued that the "omnipotent state" practices its legitimacy in a similar way. He wrote in his book, Political Theology, that "all significant concepts of the modern theory of the state are secularized theological concepts."
The Transition from Monarchs to Ideological States
As the era of monarchs ended in the early 20th century and the age of massive ideological states began, new concepts and ideas had to be developed. These new states did not have a "mandate of heaven" to legitimize their power.
For instance, the United States government has used an array of academics, experts, and celebrities to legitimize its actions. Their political theology comprises economics, law, and the hard sciences. By examining these concepts, it becomes evident how the state and its clergy use them to maintain their power.
The Role of Economics in State Power
In 1994, British businessman James Goldsmith warned during an interview with Charlie Rose about the potential dangers of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), a component of the World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement. Goldsmith cautioned that the adoption of GATT would lead to uncontrollable mass immigration and the destruction of towns. He argued that modern society was serving an economic index that was causing harm.
The current economic orthodoxy insists that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) must grow, and financial stimulus is one way to achieve this. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government issued stimulus checks ranging from $600 to $1,400 per person. However, the claim that the COVID stimulus grew the economy is questionable. The real effects of the "stimulus" include a rise in "zombie firms" laden with debt, an increase in the average price inflation rate, and a surge in grocery prices.
The Illusion of Law in State Power
The United States prides itself on being a land of law, where the rule of law reigns supreme. However, this is an illusion in our current political theology. The Constitution, America’s "supreme law of the land," has often been treated as a mere suggestion. Cases of censorship against the freedom of speech and press, as well as illegal mass surveillance by the NSA, are examples of constitutional violations.
Despite these violations, the establishment continues to claim that they are defenders of American law and democracy. They argue that they are defending their so-called mandate of heaven. This belief is similar to the Chinese Emperors' supernatural mandate. The president, Congress, and bureaucrats each believe they have the supernatural concept of "law" on their side. This belief allows the American establishment to maintain its power by linking their positions of authority to American "morality" that they claim is tied to the law.
Bottom Line
In the past, kings legitimized their power through alliances with a church or spiritual leader, showing that their rule was established by a higher authority. Today, politicians and bureaucrats use the "sciences" and their experts to establish their authority. Economists at the Federal Reserve and IMF fund the government's schemes, judges support laws via theories that violate the Constitution, and dissenters are led by the "new Moses" to the house on the hill.
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