Analysis: Government Failures, Bureaucracy, and the Rise of Totalitarianism

Analysis: Government Failures, Bureaucracy, and the Rise of Totalitarianism

A Look at How the US Government Failed its Citizens

It's become increasingly evident that the management of the Hurricane Helene relief efforts was disastrous. This has led many Americans to the realization that not only is Washington failing in its duties, but it also appears to lack the will to serve its citizens. Instead, the roles seem to have reversed, with the people serving the government as if they were mere livestock. But how did we arrive at this point?

The Gradual Rise of Bureaucracy

The roots of our current political crisis can be traced back to the Progressive era, a century ago. The year 1913 was a significant one for the Progressives, as they took control of the economy through the introduction of the income tax and the Federal Reserve Act. However, their political takeover had begun 30 years earlier with the Pendleton Act of 1883, as historian Murray Rothbard points out.

The Pendleton Act aimed to professionalize bureaucrats and make them independent of politicians. This move was supposedly to combat corruption, but it's worth noting that a bureaucracy independent of politicians is also independent of voters. Since politicians are the only government officials accountable to voters, if bureaucrats are not answerable to them, then who are they answerable to? The answer is simple: no one. The government bureaucracy has become a self-serving entity, functioning like an occupying army. And this was the intended outcome.

The Misguided Belief in Bureaucrats

Progressives implemented these changes under the belief that government workers are like omniscient angels, devoid of the greed and malice that plague the common masses. This belief, however strange it may sound, is held by many Progressives. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the fallacy of this belief, making it clear that bureaucrats are far from being omniscient angels.

The Alliance between Bureaucrats and Socialists

Once the independent bureaucracy was established, it was inevitably taken over by the left - the socialists. Both groups shared the same objective: increased government control. This alliance began during the Progressive Era with the introduction of widespread regulations that were supposedly aimed at controlling Big Business. However, these regulations were actually drafted by Big Business, promoted by their paid socialist activists, and implemented by bureaucrats funded by politicians on the payroll of Big Business. This marked the birth of our Corporatist system.

The Illusion of Socialism’s Inevitability

The alliance between the bureaucracy and the socialists is the reason why it feels like the world is becoming increasingly socialist. They use government funds to promote their agenda through academia, media, and corporations, which face penalties if they fail to comply. This can be intimidating, as the Covid-19 pandemic has shown that virtually no institution in the country is immune to this toxic combination of government money and intimidation.

Crises and the Deep State

Over the past century, every crisis, whether real or manufactured, has served to strengthen the Deep State. Covid-19 was a dream come true for them, as it offered them total control. However, the problem is that once a wild animal tastes human blood, it can never be trusted again. This is precisely what happened during the wartime socialism of World War I. The men who pushed for the war were reluctant to relinquish the power they had gained during the war, and they spent the rest of their careers trying to reclaim it. The stock market crash of 1929 provided them with the perfect excuse to seize control of the economy, and they have maintained that control for the past 100 years.

Today's Totalitarian Deep State

Today, we are faced with a totalitarian Deep State that continues to seize economic, social, and political power. It enslaves us with debt, mandates, taxes, and surveillance. The only way to defeat the administrative state is not by fighting it head-on, but by addressing the root of the problem: the independent bureaucracy. To end the totalitarian deep state, politicians must have the power to hire and fire anyone they choose. This is because the people must have that power, and until we abolish governments, politicians are their only voice.

Bottom Line

The only alternative to this is a progressive enslavement by bureaucratic commissars until the people rise up and take matters into their own hands, a scenario that few would find enjoyable. This is a thought-provoking perspective on the current state of affairs. What are your thoughts on this? Feel free to share this article with your friends and engage in a meaningful discussion. Don't forget to sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.

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