Anti-Gun Study Finds No Link Between Penis Size and Firearm Ownership

Anti-Gun Group's Study Inadvertently Validates Pro-Gun Men's Self-Assurance in Their Penis Size
Leftist Stereotype Debunked by Own Research
A long-standing stereotype propagated by anti-gun advocates, particularly women, has been debunked by their own research. This stereotype suggests that men who own guns are doing so to compensate for their hidden insecurities. The argument, which is often used to belittle those who oppose the left's attempts to undermine the 2nd Amendment, insinuates that men who support gun rights are "weak" and have a "small penis".
The Left's Preoccupation with Genitalia
The political left's fixation on genitalia is well-documented, with much of their politics revolving around sex, sexual identity, sexual fetishes, and the sexualization of children. Therefore, it's not surprising that they would fund a study to establish a link between gun owners and feelings of sexual inadequacy. The theory being that men who are dissatisfied with their penis size are more likely to experience psychological distress and instabilities linked to violence. However, the study did not yield the expected results.
Study Funded by Anti-Gun Group
The study, titled 'Size Matters? Penis Dissatisfaction and Gun Ownership in America', was funded by Change The Ref, an organization that collaborates closely with David Hogg's March For Our Lives. Contrary to the group's expectations, the study found no correlation between small penis size, insecurity, and gun ownership. In fact, it discovered the exact opposite. The authors of the study stated:
"Guns are clearly phallic symbols. Guns are clearly associated with masculinity...However, in our analyses, penis size dissatisfaction is unrelated to mental health. The psychosexual theory of gun ownership consistently fails in its assertion that men who have trouble with their penises or are dissatisfied with their penises are especially likely to acquire guns as a means of compensation."
Study Findings
The study found that men with low masculinity scores and those dissatisfied with their penis size were less likely to own a firearm. In other words, men who steer clear of firearms are more likely to have insecurities about their penis size. This suggests that it is actually the progressives who suffer from "small penis syndrome", which could explain a range of their erratic behaviors.
Gun owners and men with higher masculinity scores were more likely to be confident in their penis size.
Violent Crime and Gun Ownership
It's worth noting that the majority of violent crime in America occurs in Democrat-controlled cities with progressive policies. Despite stringent anti-gun laws, these cities continue to grapple with widespread gun violence.
There's also the question of conflicting crime statistics. For instance, data shows that gun crime in the US is decreasing while gun ownership is reaching record highs. Democrats have been touting Joe Biden's "crime reduction" record while simultaneously stoking fears about mass shootings and advocating for gun bans. They can't have it both ways; either gun crime is decreasing or guns pose a significant threat to society.
Since 2020, many cities across the country have not been reporting complete crime statistics to the FBI due to a change in the FBI's data collection methods. Full data won't be available until 2025, so it's impossible to determine if crime rates are increasing. Meanwhile, leftists seem more concerned about male penis insecurity than political integrity.
Whether guns are "phallic symbols" is irrelevant to the larger question of why anti-gun activists believe penis size is relevant in the debate over gun rights and self-defense. This seems to reflect their inability to win the debate based on rational discourse. As observed, gun ownership is at an all-time high and the stigma created by progressives around firearms is rapidly dissipating. The attempt to penis-shame gun owners is a desperate strategy employed by mentally (and physically) inadequate activists who are beginning to realize that they are losing the battle.
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