Asymmetric Warfare and Terrorism in the 1970s: A Critical Reflection

CJ Hopkins on Asymmetric Warfare and the Evolution of Terrorism
Reminiscing on the 1970s
The 1970s were a different time. It wasn't just the music, sex, and drugs that were unique to that era. The terrorists of that time were different too. They were more like revolutionaries who supported terrorism. There was a certain honesty and clarity in their actions. They didn't shy away from admitting that they murdered civilians. It was part of their revolutionary strategy.
The Strategy of Asymmetric Warfare
The strategy was simple. The revolutionaries would murder civilians, prompting their adversaries to retaliate massively, often committing war crimes and atrocities. This strategy was used by the USA in Iraq two decades ago and is currently being used by the IDF in Gaza. The goal is to widen the conflict and draw potential allies into it, or at least significantly weaken support for the enemy.
However, this strategy involves a lot of killing - men, women, children, entire families. The enemy then retaliates, often killing tens or hundreds of thousands of people. But if all goes according to plan, the allies join the revolutionaries, attack the enemy, and drive them away. So, in the end, the murders are seen as worth it.
This strategy is not a new concept. It's a fundamental principle of asymmetric warfare. If you're unfamiliar with the term, it might be worth looking into.
A Personal Stance on Civilian Murders
Personally, I'm not a fan of murdering civilians, even for the sake of a revolution. I don't believe it's a good strategy, and I'm generally against murder. Soldiers killing each other is one thing - it's been happening since the dawn of history. Guerrilla tactics are also acceptable as people fight wars with the means they have available. But I can't support the murder of civilians, especially women and children.
Reflecting on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Turning to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, my sympathies lie with the Palestinian people. They've been suffering for a long time now. That's what happens when empires conquer your land and do as they please. The land in question has been conquered multiple times over the past 4,500 years. More recently, in 1920, the British Empire took over the land after the Ottoman Empire lost World War One. The British pulled out in 1948, and the Zionists established The State of Israel. Since then, there have been multiple wars, all of which Israel has won.
Looking at a map of the territory, it's clear that the Palestinians are in a difficult situation. The State of Israel is an essential component of the global-capitalist empire and has the backing of the US military. Regardless of how many war crimes it commits in Gaza, the Islamic world is not going to join Hamas and attack it.
Asymmetric Warfare and Hamas' Strategy
Returning to the topic of asymmetric warfare, let's consider Hamas' "Al-Aqsa Flood" strategy and its utter futility and callousness. Do you think that Hamas' leadership didn't know how Israel would respond to the slaughter of hundreds of Israeli citizens? The goal of the "Al-Aqsa Flood" attack was to provoke the exact response it received. It's a classic example of Asymmetric Warfare.
For the past seven months, I've observed my "radical" colleagues trying to obscure this fact. It doesn't help anyone, especially not the Palestinian people. There's plenty to criticize about Israel without twisting the facts about Hamas or convincing people that the IDF is solely responsible for the violence.
Final Thoughts
While I don't support the strategy of murdering civilians to provoke an enemy into overreacting, if you do, at least have the courage to say so. It's a foolish strategy that gives your enemy a free pass and results in the slaughter of the people you're supposedly fighting for. But as long as it boosts your reputation among other "legitimate armed resisters," who cares how many families get killed? It's always the fault of the oppressors, the Zionists, the Americans, or whoever else you choose to blame.
So, as I reflect on the 1970s, I find myself longing for a time when we could have real debates about tactics with our revolutionary comrades, instead of hearing mindless gibberish.
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