Is the US Still the Land of Opportunity?
Jeff Thomas, in a piece written for InternationalMan.com, discusses the current state of the United States. For anyone younger than 75, the US has always been a beacon of prosperity, freedom, and innovation. However, Thomas argues that this perception is no longer accurate. He suggests that the US is in a state of decline, while other countries are on the rise.
The Decline of American Prosperity
Thomas points out that the US is no longer the world leader in prosperity and production. There are countries where these aspects are far greater than in the US. Moreover, the key ingredient that made America great – Liberty – is present to a far greater degree in other nations. This characteristic is rapidly declining in the US.
In 2020, the government used a virus as a justification to dramatically increase its dominance over the populace. This resulted in heavy-handed governmental meddling in medicine, business, and personal freedoms. The halfway measure of personal movement control was not great enough to keep a virus from spreading, but it was sufficient to collapse businesses, create record unemployment, and make it impossible for some people to feed themselves.
A Planned Demolition
Thomas argues that the decline is not accidental but a planned demolition. While the majority will suffer, those who are orchestrating the crisis will profit. He suggests that the US citizenry is waking up to the fact that the corporatist ruling class, made up of governmental and big-business leaders, is destroying the prosperity, production, and liberty that once existed.
The endgame for the once-great US Empire is now underway, and over the next few years, we shall witness its decline.
How Will Americans Respond?
Thomas believes that the populace will divide into several groups in response to the decline. The largest group will grumble but do nothing to save themselves. The second group, the preppers, will refuse to accept the decline and prepare for a possible confrontation. The third group will try to "work within the system," hoping that each election might bring about a solution. However, they never realize that neither party intends to return the country to a state of liberty.
The Fourth Group: Those Who Leave
There is a fourth group: those who leave. Their numbers are small and they tend not to make a large impact on the consciousness of the other three. They follow the path of the founders of America who left Europe when they recognized that they could not change the corrupt and controlling systems they were born into.
Thomas suggests that if you value your liberty and the ability to make your own decisions and keep more of what you've earned, you should consider leaving the US.
Preparing for a Political and Economic Crisis
Thomas warns that most people have no idea what really happens when a government goes out of control, let alone how to prepare for it. He believes that the coming economic and political crisis will be much worse, much longer, and very different than what we've seen in the past.
Bottom Line
The perception of the United States as a land of opportunity and prosperity is being questioned. The country is seemingly in a state of decline, and its citizens are reacting in different ways. Some are preparing for confrontation, others are hoping for change through the system, and a small group is choosing to leave. Are these observations accurate? How do you see the future of the United States? Share your thoughts and this article with your friends. Also, don't forget to sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is available every day at 6 pm.