Liberals Advocating Unlawful Acts: A Threat to Democracy and Constitutional Integrity

Liberals Advocating Unlawful Acts: A Threat to Democracy and Constitutional Integrity

Liberals Urge Biden to Commit Unlawful Acts in His Final Days

Jonathan Turley has reported that several liberal pundits, including Michael Moore and Keith Olbermann, are urging President Joe Biden to commit overtly unlawful acts in his last 100 days in office. This includes targeting his political opponents. Turley agrees with Moore's statement that this is "no joke." He suggests that this kind of behavior endangers not just the Constitution, but the entire country, if Biden were to follow this advice.

Ignoring Legality and Constitutionality

Moore has posted on Substack, advising Biden to yield to temptation and fulfill a liberal 13-item “bucket list” of demands, disregarding legality or constitutionality. He told Biden that he has full immunity and can get away with anything. The list includes emptying death row, canceling all student and medical debt, halting weapons shipments to Israel, ending the death penalty, declaring the Equal Rights Amendment a constitutional amendment, and granting clemency to nonviolent drug offenders.

Constitutional Looting

Turley argues that many of these items could only be achieved by knowingly undermining the Constitution and assuming the powers of a monarch. This includes canceling all student and medical debt in defiance of both the courts and Congress. Other pundits have also urged Biden and Democrats to take some of the actions on Moore’s list before the end of the administration.

Targeting Political Opponents

Olbermann, while claiming that he is fighting to “save democracy,” has called upon Biden to target political opponents like Elon Musk with deportation. He stated that if conventional means don't work, Biden should use his presidential immunity to get Musk out of the country.

Counter-Constitutional Movement

These calls come in the midst of a counter-constitutional movement led by law professors. Turley points out that the disregard for legal authority has been voiced by liberal academics like Harvard Professor Lawrence Tribe. He cites an example where the Biden administration was found to have violated the Constitution in its imposition of a nationwide eviction moratorium through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Biden admitted that his White House counsel and most legal experts told him the move was unconstitutional. However, he ignored their advice and followed Tribe's advice instead. The move was later found to be unconstitutional.

Presidential Immunity

Turley criticizes the false premise of these recent calls, which is that the Court removed all limits on the presidency in its recent ruling on presidential immunity. He argues that the fact that law professors are repeating this clearly erroneous claim is a measure of the triumph of rage over reason today. He explains that the Court has adopted a tiered approach in balancing the powers of the branches, and unofficial or personal actions are not protected under this ruling.

Checks and Balances

Turley notes that there are a host of checks and balances on executive authority in our constitutional system. This includes judicial intervention to prevent violations of the law as well as impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors. He warns that Biden would not only flagrantly violate the Constitution but also defy the authority of the federal courts if he were to follow the advice of figures like Moore.

Democracy or Tyranny?

Turley concludes by saying that if Biden were to violate the Constitution, refuse to yield to the courts, and pursue his “bucket list” of priorities without any legal restraints, all in the name of defending democracy, it would show how the line between tyranny and democracy can be lost in an age of rage.

Bottom Line

This article raises serious questions about the limits of presidential power and the potential for its abuse. It also highlights the importance of maintaining the checks and balances that are integral to our constitutional system. What are your thoughts on these calls for President Biden to commit unlawful acts in his final days in office? Do you think this is a dangerous precedent to set? Share your thoughts with your friends and sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.

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