The New Power Players
The Rise of the US Monetary System
In the early 20th century, specifically the 1920s, Benjamin Strong, a prominent figure in the financial world, orchestrated international deals to have leaders send their gold to the United States for safekeeping and to balance capital flows for the stability of the system. This strategic move positioned the US at the center of an emerging fiat currency-based monetary system. This new system was built on the strength of US industrial capitalists, financed through international political alliances, and facilitated through wars and conflicts in capital markets.
As global power dynamics shifted, tensions escalated and global wars ensued. Some countries funded these wars indirectly, while others fought directly to preserve their political visions of future power structures. As the intricate web of relationships untangled global capital flows, it reordered the power and wealth distribution across the world. Countries began requesting the return of their gold from the US. To placify these demands, representatives from the US made numerous overseas visits and assurances that the gold was safe. However, the US rarely returned the base capital asset, leaving many countries in a difficult position.
The Aftermath of Strong's Death
Upon Strong's death, no one had a full understanding of his plan or his global political influence and connections to continue it. Without Strong's leadership, world financial markets and political players found themselves in a precarious situation. This led to the Great Depression, a devastating global event that left no stone unturned. The aftermath of this event, coupled with the end of World War II, reshuffled the global power dynamics and led to a new monetary regime guided by a Bretton Woods system of currency pegs. All money movements now depended on gold stored within US borders, despite the warnings of Triffin's Dilemma.
Realignment and the Bretton Woods System
As tensions eased, a realignment was necessary for the Bretton Woods system to provide all parties with access to money again. New leaders, deals, and tiers of countries were established to shape a new understanding of how the game would be played. This set the ground rules for how a new currency system would function.
This historical narrative may sound familiar, as it mirrors our current state of international and monetary affairs. Society is once again at a critical inflection point.
Caught in the Crossfire of Money and Greed
Reflecting on our past emphasizes the importance of understanding the value of sound money assets. These assets are crucial for transitioning to a digital monetary system that powers our modern lives—a transition that requires time and a complete paradigm shift.
Both the powerful and the powerless are seeking access to new rules and a new monetary base that will provide power and control for the next century. Citizens are watching as major political players battle behind closed doors. From X (formerly Twitter), to Meta (formerly Facebook), Tiktok and Nostr, pitches are being made for the open airwaves of the internet. Each side is casting memes and propaganda across every news and social media network with the intention of shaping the minds of the next generation of leaders. The goal? To corner the free market of money and power, just as it was in the early 1900s.
The Cyber Battles of the Last Two Decades
Over the last 20 years, our battles have become increasingly digital. As a result, we've seen Bitcoin move like the gold of the past. We've watched Bitcoin Hashrate migrate from China to the US, where exchanges like Coinbase, Gemini, and Kraken have been built to power the future of money, rates, lending, and barter across the internet.
The Next Global World Order Is Almost Set
Big banks, technocrats, Wall Street, and political powerhouses are all vying for their version of how the future should unfold. The momentum of our new marketplaces continues to shift.
The transition from physical warfare to a world of bots and DDOS attacks has taken time to evolve. What started with credit cards and advanced technology research projects at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 1958, led us to the internet, protocols, and partial means of transferring digital money by consensus. With the rise of information and consumer technology, we found ourselves in a digital ecosystem with limited access or control of our money. This new revolution in the digital age gave way to industrial ideals and promoted a shift to a more connected and intelligent world.
The New Digital Financial System
As the foundations for a new digital financial system have been laid, global relationships have been infiltrated by new players. We've shifted from the ideals of our past monetary fathers, Benjamin Strong (US), Montagu Norman (England), Hjalmar Schacht (Germany), Emile Moreau (France) to new forms of intelligence guided by The Five Eyes (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand).
When we crossed into the 21st Century, power dynamics shifted. E-commerce and social platforms directed the attention of businesses and consumers in such a way that new tools for psychological research were necessary to keep up. From this need, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA – 2007) was born to continue where DARPA left off.
The Rise of Bitcoin
As populations warmed to the idea of digital scarcity, Bitcoin has risen. It has become the fastest method for sending sound money over our internet rails. With the momentum of the race shifting, nations are back to warring again. This has led to citizenry cries of alarm against anyone attempting to triangulate their location and affiliation.
At this juncture, the board is set for players to make their move. A few critical questions should be asked. The answers will dictate the freedoms or draconian measures that follow.
Who in the Bitcoin world is playing the role of Ben Strong? Who are the Bitcoin influencers that resemble Norman, Schacht, and Moreau? Has the Digital Bretton Woods conference taken place? If not, when will it and who will be invited to attend?
These are the private keys that will decide our future. The future of money, power, and control.
New terms and players will dictate the price of properties, utilities, and digital rails that will be traded so we can all transact in a civilized manner. This is a new story with new faces, technologies, and tools. However, it is the same story of money that spans across human history. One that repeats in unison with the 4th Turnings that dictate our times.
Bottom Line
This article explores the parallels between the rise of the US monetary system in the early 20th century and the current transition to a digital monetary system. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the value of sound money assets and the role they play in shaping the future of money, power, and control. As we stand at a societal inflection point, it's crucial to consider who the new power players will be and how they will shape our future. What are your thoughts on this matter? Share this article with your friends and join the conversation. You can also sign up for the Daily Briefing, which is delivered every day at 6pm.