What Could World War III Look Like? It Might Already Be Underway...
The survivalist world often assumes that the next global conflict will automatically involve nuclear warfare, leading to a post-apocalyptic scenario. This assumption, however, can be dangerous and misguided. Many fail to realize that we might already be in the midst of World War III, as the concept of global warfare has been skewed by Hollywood fantasies.
Wars can be fought in numerous ways. Currently, World War III could be seen as being waged through proxies like Ukraine and Israel, and potentially Taiwan in the future. It's also being fought on the global economic stage through sanctions, inflation, and the abandonment of the US dollar as the world reserve. While these situations could escalate, a full-scale nuclear war is the least likely scenario.
Survival and Preparedness Communities' Focus
Survival and preparedness communities often focus on apocalyptic scenarios such as EMP strikes, grid down calamities, solar flares, economic crashes, and nuclear holocausts. This is often done as a mental exercise to clarify the best preparedness solutions in the majority of cases, including the worst ones.
However, it's important to remember that collapse is a process, not an event. These things happen slowly, and then all at once. If you had warned people ten years ago that by 2024 the US would be in the middle of a stagflationary crisis with a 30%-50% average price increase on all necessities, they would probably have dismissed you as a doom-monger. Yet, that's exactly what some alternative economists were predicting over a decade ago.
The reason people refused to believe these predictions is that the danger was not immediately obvious. The economic threat was not hitting them in their wallet yet. The stock market seemed fine and the jobs market was still functioning somewhat normally. They could only view economic crisis through the lens of a total collapse. The idea that it would happen incrementally never crossed their minds.
Overlooking the Immediate Dangers
The same dynamic applies to World War III. We must not overlook the dangers right in front of us simply because intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles aren't crisscrossing the sky. The regional conflicts could spread and go on for a decade or longer. It all adds up to a world war, but it may never be officially declared a world war.
In October of 2023, it was predicted that Israel would pound Gaza into gravel, leading to inevitable demands for US/EU intervention. There were also warnings about the potential motives behind escalation in the Middle East. The timing of the conflict in Israel was incredibly beneficial to globalists.
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction
This time, the weapons of mass destruction will be financial and resource-driven instead of nuclear. If Iran moves to blockade the Strait of Hormuz (which is believed to be imminent), Americans can be harmed financially through energy shortages and gas price spikes even without our soldiers deployed to fight.
The biggest danger from World War III is not nuclear exchange, but the disturbing changes societies go through when conflict inspires mass fear. Totalitarianism is much easier to institute during such a war. Freedom of speech is often suppressed and criticism of the government is often criminalized. The economy nose dives and the supply chain tightens. Price controls and rationing are initiated. Black markets flourish but those who participate are aggressively targeted by the government.
Bottom Line
Public planning should focus far more on these eventualities and less on Hollywood images of Apocalypse. What are your thoughts on this perspective of World War III? Do you agree that we might already be in the midst of it? Share this article with your friends and let's discuss. Remember, you can sign up for the Daily Briefing which is everyday at 6pm.